Thursday, August 7, 2008

Do you know the FirmWare Version of your PSP

by William Fredrick

Well you have a new PSP, here are a few things you might like
to know about or need to know, how to check the correct version,
correct file formats for music, compatibility problems, and the
best part emulator for your PSP.

You can check the firmware version on your PSP console, simply
by scrolling left on the PSP's main screen and selecting the
options in the following order: SETTINGS > SYSTEMS SETTINGS >
searching for and downloading your favorite PSP games, you need
to first check your PSP to find out which version of firmware it
currently has. Now under, SYSTEM SOFTWARE, it will have your
PSP's firmware version number. Do you know the version of your
PSP ask yourself that question before you do anything to your
PSP! You can downgrade any PSP version except the v 2. SYSTEM
SOFTWARE will show you the PSP's firmware version number

If your are uploading music Sony PSP firmware v 2 is the
operating system that runs your PSP wmv should be converted into
mp3 before putting these files to your PSP, as firmware of your
PSP does not support most of these old file format . Fact is,
high firmware versions equals compatibility trouble for most PSP

Downloading games make sure that the firmware installed in your
PSP supports the game that you are about to download. If you
have encountered problems on your game installation, like some
games that cannot be started or corrupted files, it means that
your PSP's firmware is not compatible to that particular game.

Emulator com/category/13 it is called PSP RunUMD UMD Emulator
v0. Now switch on the PSP and selct the PSP RunUMD UMD Emulator
v0. Real simply a PSP Game Emulator is software that lets your
PSP pretend that is another type of game console. Using a PSP
Game Emulator is a very simple way to hack your PSP and open up
new worlds of fun. To take advantage of it, you first need to
download a piece of software onto your PSP, called an emulator .
An emulator is simply piece of software that causes your PSP to
act as though it were an alternate games console, such as a
Super Nintendo or a Sega Genesis.

Note that although downloading and installing an emulator isn't
(technically) illegal, downloading some 'free' console games for
you to use them on your PSP emulator might be illegal. If you
own Nintendo gameboy game, and you downloaded a Nintendo
emulator onto your PSP, and own a gameboy you will be able
toplay a game boy game on your PSP. not only can you play PSP
games, you can also load and play other console games on it,
provided that you have the PSP emulator software. A PSP emulator
is a relatively simple piece of software that you can upload
into your PSP, (emulators are sometimes referred to as a

Make sure you know what version your PSP is before you try to
do anything to it. You know how to do that now and you now have
some more knowledge about your PSP you didnt have before.
Emulator for your PSP makes the PSP one of the hottest items to

If you upgraded your PSP or have recently bought one, the
firmware version you have you might run into some problems.

About the author:
He is taking a break from gold minning and hopefully sharing
something new. If you are having problems with your firmware or
need to downgrade I suggest you have a look at this site. Downgrading Any PSP

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